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Looks very promising, an idea i would like to see in the future would be to see the adventure from both sides of the MCs using all the characters presented at the beginning usefull(also their design is very interesting). Keep up the good work!


Yes! Quests are planned to be either short (2-3 steps, like the ones that are in 0.1 and 0.2) but also lengthy ones (with over 6 steps), which would also include 2 or 3 characters 


Any chances on a mac version?


Sorry for the late reply, I don't know how I missed it but... there is a mac version already available here to download! 

Thank you, I can't wait to start playing!

I haven't played this myself yet, but just before i get into things might i ask if the romanceable characters are solely female, or are there also a handful of males? Regardless, the art looks gorgeous!

There will be optional male characters to romance (roommate & the slime )


The game looks very promising! Nothing I saw was bad. Only feedback I can give other than "keep doing a good job" is that I hope future quests will have more options. Like choosing a magic option doesn't lock the player into only choosing more magic options for that event.
Will be fun to see how this progresses ^^


Yeah! In these first few quests, they were more like a tutorial than how it will play regularly!




One suggestion! Maybe add a few contraction ('I'm' instead of 'I am', etc.) here and there, could make the dialogue flow a little better. Great game so far tho! 


Also: In the guild, if you choose the third dialogue option for the gossip lady, after she tells you your status it repeats her introduction. 

Additionally, at one point your landlady calls your roommate 'your brother'. 


damn that was so short........


Yeah, agree, but it is the first release


Anyone else hearing the narrator from 'The Stanley Parable' in their heads?


I love the art and writing so far, everything is amazing. I'm hoping we get to be bisexual in this. It's been kinda hinted at with the housemate and neighbor, and as a bisexual guy myself I really hope it's not a bait and switch. The younger neighbor being gender fluid and fuckable in all genders would be amazing


All of your predictions are hitting the mark, that much can be said! 


loved the game can't wait for more updates 


Really love what is there so far. The game has great potential. Background and character art is top notch. Even the interface and menus are unique and very pretty.

Honestly, I first became aware of it because of the 'Breast Expansion' content. Don't want to be the one to force you to create more of such content and make the boobs even bigger. Buuut........ if you add more of such content and make the boobs even bigger I definitely wouldn't be disappointed. 😉

Jokes aside, I wish you the best of luck with the game and I will definitely keep my eyes on it.👍


Thank you very much, and we definitely want to keep adding some transformation here and there, although the focus is mostly MC! 

is there going to be an android version? 


Most likely yes, we had a few issues but we are working on them

Can the protag change gender?


no, that will not be implemented. The slime and maybe a few other might have big changes, but none will change pronouns 

Slime? You can change into a slime person?


No, there is a slime character that is your friend

What kind of TF's are in this game?


For now breast expansion, the sime will be able to change different body parts 


Hopefully you have perma TF's for the mc's dong, bigger dong = bigger popularity = bigger profit.

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